Windows XP WinXP Networking: Connection problems

Sep 20, 2005
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I brought my computer over to a friend's house. We connected the two via cross-over cable but we were unable to get our computers to communicate in any way - file sharing, ping etc: nothing.

We tried using the hub but it made no difference. Both of our firewalls (both windows and Zone Alarm) have been completely disabled. We tried using a PCI network card instead of his on-board network but no difference.

We are completely lost. Any suggestions? If you need more info jusk ask and be specific.

Thanks for any help! :D

Okay, it seems that on my computer the connection is fine. It reports no errors, although I cannot see my friend's computer when I go into My Network Places.

On his computer, however, he is receiving this on his connection:

Anyone know what this means? How do I fix this? Thanks.
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It looks like your two computers are on different network addresses - go into network connections (on both machines) and right click your local area connection and select properties, on the general tab select Internet Protocol TCP/IP then properties. Then click 'use the following IP address' and put in on one machine and on the other put for the subnet mask on both machines and then OK.
You may need to reboot (I'm not sure on XP) and give them a little time to sort themselves out. You need to have shared files or folders on each machine and tick the 'file and printer sharing' box.
Sorry, that did nothing.

I should also mention that the primary reason we connect to two computers is for internet sharing. His computer has the DSL modem connected via USB. His internet connection is fine and works on his computer. The problem is that athough we've shared it and done everything right, my computer does not have the internet.

In addition, now when we try to connect his computer with ANY computer (mine and a spare laptop we have) the connection goes in and out - the connection says 'connected' on both computers for a few seconds, then it says 'a network cable is unplugged' on both computers for a few seconds, then connects again, and so on.

Any ideas?
It doesn't explain why we can't file share. Anyways, I think I'll give up. I'm back home now, and the connection between my computer and the family computer that was FINE a few days ago no longer works no matter what I do. I've tried everything.

Thanks Microsoft.