WinXP home (SP-2) can't update (SP-1)



I have a new laptop, WinXP (SP-2), system info shows Version 5.1.2600 SP2
Build 2600. When I go to Windows update, Express Install, it show that there
is one critical update I need. It shows Microsoft .Net Framework 1.1 Service
Pack 1 is ready to be installed. I appears by looking at the Update screen
that I have the file on my computer, and it just needs to be installed. The
screen shows 0 % to be downloaded. Next I say Install the update. The drive
works for maybe 20 seconds, then another update screen opens showing Updates
are being installed. Next, another update screen opens showing Update(s)
could not be installed. This same update has been doing this since the
computer was new. When I go to Add/Remove programs, this is shown....

Microsoft .Net Framework 1.1 Service Pack 1, and
Microsoft .Net Framework 1.1 Hotfix (KB886904) are both installed.

I have googled for any/all reference about this subject, and am not finding
much about why this happens. Do I need this upgrade if it is already
installed, and secondly, how can I stop the Windows Update page from stating
that I still need this upgrade. I keep up with all the critical upgrades
weekly or so, but can not get around this one Net framework upgrade issue.
Any idea's. Thanks.

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