This is driving me mad - WinXP Pro is developing a nasty
habit of hanging when I try and insert a Bulkpaq Orange
DVD that contains data. This has also happened (very
rarely) on commercial discs (Mafia is an example), and
also on my WinXP disc, again rarely.
I have no idea what the problem is - I have also started
to suffer from Windows File Protection requests, which
may be related.
I'm at a total loss, and don't have any ideas. Can
anybody shed some light on this?
This is driving me mad - WinXP Pro is developing a nasty
habit of hanging when I try and insert a Bulkpaq Orange
DVD that contains data. This has also happened (very
rarely) on commercial discs (Mafia is an example), and
also on my WinXP disc, again rarely.
I have no idea what the problem is - I have also started
to suffer from Windows File Protection requests, which
may be related.
I'm at a total loss, and don't have any ideas. Can
anybody shed some light on this?