Rut Ro:
Use the ERD you made directly before download/install of SP4 (take it this
was not done)
Or the full back up you did directly prior to same (take it you didn't do
this either)
With slow modem connections always download the network version to save on
the desktop. And install from it later. Or burn it to a CD. Good as store
I've not tried any of these. Take it for what it's worth.
-And now the problem. Boot into Safe Mode and look in the Control Panel to
see if you can uninstall SP4.
-If SP3 is still showing, remove all essentials (see below) and get ready
to format.
You might try to do teh following:
Enable Boot Logging
Starts Windows 2000 while logging all the drivers and services that were
loaded (or not loaded) by the system to a file. This file is called
ntbtlog.txt and it is located in the %windir% directory. Safe Mode, Safe
Mode with Networking, and Safe Mode with Command Prompt add to the boot log
a list of all the drivers and services that are loaded. The boot log is
useful in determining the exact cause of system startup problems.
From Experience the Hard Way. (Not learning enough from others wisdom, and
not being fully prepared before starting)
*BACKUP to another source- ALL data,Favorites,Bookmarks,Address
book,mIRC ini files,images,ToDoLists, Music,DVD's,fonts,Media,etc.
*Always make sure you are static equal. (wear protection[static strap],
or touch PSupply case with power OFF, but plugged in)(before working in the
NOTE: You don't need a course in completing a fresh install, but to keep
your frustration level down, it's worth lining your ducks up in a row before
To help, you might just want to start by doing the following:
-Print Instructions, and follow them. (Or use Murphy's Law)
-Print or Write out Hardware list. (MoBo, CPU, RAM, HDD, Floppy,
CD-ROM, Video, Audio, Modem, LAN, etc.)
-Allow 30 minutes quiet time after each time you work to recover.

) ( a good mood)
-Gather all of your software, including the "key" numbers
-Get current drivers for all Hardware (incl. Bios for MoBo)
-Get all tools (include flashlight, magnifying glass,compressed air,
soft eraser, etc.)
-RULE - If it ain't broke, don't fixit.
-RULE - Spiral pad, good notes, date, set time to work.
-RULE - No interruptions.
-RULE - Suspend all rules for spouse.
-New HDD - YES
-Basic Partition - YES
-OS Upgrade - Usually
-regular FORMAT: NOT necessary
-Required HDD Space - (4 gig W2KSP4+IE6/OE6)(2 gig NTSP6)(500 meg
ME,98se,98fe)(300 meg 95b,95,3.11)
How to FDISK: (Note: You run FDISK, without "changes", with no adverse
effect; use Esc. to exit)
-Boot system with 98se Bootdisk (
-At A:\ prompt type FDISK, enter.
-Choose "Y" for "large disk" for 95b,98se,ME,NT4,W2K,XP (enables FAT32)
-Use "Basic" for a single partition (Primary Active partition)
-Set Primary active to "adequate size" (Logical, and extended can be
-Press "Esc."
-Power down with switch.
FDISK Tips: Option 4 looks at present partitions, press Esc.; Option 3
"only" to delete partitions.
Delete order - NON-DOS,Logical,Extended, and finally Primary; use Exc. to
Option 1 - Create Basic partition for OS and data on one drive.
Option 1 - Create ONE Primary partition for two or more
partitions.(multiple Primaries needed only to add Linux, etc.)
Somebody please sat it isn't so! I downloaded Win2000
express sevice pack 4 the other night. During the
install process the computer shut down! Now she will only
boot to the intro page,not icon screen. When she gets to
thst point ,shuts down and repeats. Tried to go back to
the last known configuration and the default
configuration to no avail. Bad download? Can I just
reload win 2000? I will lose everything! Please help! Bill
-ERASES EVERYTHING- (within DOD standards)
*You probably don't need to FDISK, unless the current HDD has "multiple"
*If it does, Boot from 98se bootdisk, type FDISK, press ENTER, use Basic
partition (one partition only for everything).
*Shutdown the power.
To erase the HDD, you Format the HDD.
Format the Hard Disk:
*You can use your hard disk only after FORMAT. -->(New HDD or after FDISK)
Format as follows:
1. Boot computer into WS-DOS using your Boot Disk. (
2. At the "A" prompt (A:\) type the following:
format c: /U /C /S (assume c:\ drive letter)
Command Legend:
/U= Unconditional Format - ignores deleted cluster fragments
/C= Re-tests currently marked bad clusters for recovery
/S= Transfers necessary system files so disk can boot
3. Type "Y" for yes, press Enter to proceed with format.
4. Once format is complete, type a volume label if you want one and press
How to Install 98se
If you have any problems;EN-US;277552