Winter Comforts


Feb 23, 2002
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This weather is getting a bit rubbish... freezing cold, rain and black ice - but there are some good things :D

I love winter food and will be making some nice crispy corned beef hash tonight ;) I hardly ever have it, but I just love it :D

What are your winter comforts?
Hot and sticky bread and butter pudding..:nod: sssslllluuuurrrppppppp..:D
Sticky Toffee Puddings, done to Delia Smith's recipe, with extra pecan sauce. We have them instead of Xmas puddings. :nod:

They are truly orgasmic. :D
Mulled wine, yum! Also anything chocolatey, but that also applies all year round... :o
TriplexDread said:
I'm with ya on that one, you go girl ;)

Hmmm sounds a bit gay that dont it ? hehehe

Who you calling gay. I certainly like to be gay. Mulled wine in winter followed by log fires and good company. Time to visit the Golden Rule in Ambleside.

Great choice Bex's

TriplexDread said:
I'm with ya on that one, you go girl ;)

Hmmm sounds a bit gay that dont it ? hehehe

Depends on in what context you used the word really..But there again were you stood with hand on hip and other waving in the air when you said it..?? Well then that was gay...haha..;) ;) ;)
TD you nofter!!! :)

Well my comforts are more than food and drink for me!

Nice hot bath with some deep heat bath tonic, wearing 4 layers of clothing, winter hat, gloves, scarf and days off of work over the festive period.

I hate this time of year the most. Sun is rising around 08:00 am and sets just before 4pm makes me feel sad inside.
I look forward to Spring!
psd99 said:
TD you nofter!!! :)


I dont like winter either tbh

I hate slush and sleet and snow. It causes no end of accidents and worse.
When you drive with a small child in car that makes it even worse as well you know
lol I'll let Flopps explain the term to you not that I think he is one of course.

Anyway yes winter sucks
psd99 said:
Nice hot bath with some deep heat bath tonic, wearing 4 layers of clothing, winter hat, gloves, scarf!

You southerners are wierd. Bathing with your clothes on ! Unless its a way to beat the water shortages you lot have.

Abarbarian said:
Time to visit the Golden Rule in Ambleside.

I assume that's a pub. But where exactly is it? I thought I knew Ambleside quite well. :confused:
psd99 said:
lol I'll let Flopps explain the term to you not that I think he is one of course.

Never heard of it in me life :confused:

The bells of Bow mate, the bells of Bow, otherwise it don't count, really.

And yes, I was born oop North :)

And I too thought it was quite odd to take a bath wearing four layers of clothing.

I' think we'll call him ps_odd_99 from now on :D
nivrip said:
I assume that's a pub. But where exactly is it? I thought I knew Ambleside quite well. :confused:

Best pub in town. No jukebox, aw what a shame. Log fire, yes. Decent beer, yes. Good company, yes.


Give my regards to Jonty Lockley the landlord if you call in.

Mind you best not to mention me name.



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Abarbarian said:
Best pub in town. No jukebox, aw what a shame. Log fire, yes. Decent beer, yes. Good company, yes.


Log fire, Decent beer, yes. Good company, yes. Key ingredients to a fantastic pub i'd say...No jukebox..? It just became an even better pub in my eyes..If I wanted to hear loud crap music while I was having a drink i'd go to a club...
My winter comforts are...Pea and ham soup...Sunday roasts, Mid week Stews...And Jack Daniels on tap to warm the toes.....:nod: