Windows 2000/2003
Wins server/service
I have two Wins servers on the same subnet. Both are old and are going to be
replaced with new hardware.
Client computers have these two as primary and secondary Wins.
I'm going to put one Wins server on a diffrent subnet and this server is (of
course) going to get a new ip address.
The two existing Wins servers are going to be replaced by one new server.
I'm plan to give this computer old-server1's old ip address, and to add
old-server 2's ip address as the computers secondary ip (Tcp/ip
properties -> "Advanced TCP/IP settings"), just in case.
I can not see that this will course any problem....
I'm going to use the new server and the old-server1 ip as primary and
secondry in DHCP and on static configured servers. And of course the wins
servers will replicate with each other.
The question:
- Is there any problem adding a secondary ip address on a Wins server, will
the Wins service respond to wins querys on the secondary ip too?
Regards Ulrik
Wins server/service
I have two Wins servers on the same subnet. Both are old and are going to be
replaced with new hardware.
Client computers have these two as primary and secondary Wins.
I'm going to put one Wins server on a diffrent subnet and this server is (of
course) going to get a new ip address.
The two existing Wins servers are going to be replaced by one new server.
I'm plan to give this computer old-server1's old ip address, and to add
old-server 2's ip address as the computers secondary ip (Tcp/ip
properties -> "Advanced TCP/IP settings"), just in case.
I can not see that this will course any problem....
I'm going to use the new server and the old-server1 ip as primary and
secondry in DHCP and on static configured servers. And of course the wins
servers will replicate with each other.
The question:
- Is there any problem adding a secondary ip address on a Wins server, will
the Wins service respond to wins querys on the secondary ip too?
Regards Ulrik