I've run across a rather nasty winres bug which I can't find a workaround
for. The problem happens when a base class control has a subcontrol that is
not private and this subcontrol is modified in a derived control.
make usercontrol1
make user control1 localizable
add label1
change modifiers on label1 to be protected
make usercontrol2 inherited from usercontrol1
make usercontrol2 localizable
change text of label1 in usercontrol2 to be something else
Now if you try and edit usercontrol2.resx with winres you get the following
There is already a component named 'label1'. Components must have unique
names and names must be case insensitive. A name also cannot conflict with
the name of any component in an inherited class
(Note that in order to get this far you must also have worked around a
different winres bug by copying winres and its assemblies to the directory
containing the assembly I just built)
Does anyone have a clue as to how to workaround this?
for. The problem happens when a base class control has a subcontrol that is
not private and this subcontrol is modified in a derived control.
make usercontrol1
make user control1 localizable
add label1
change modifiers on label1 to be protected
make usercontrol2 inherited from usercontrol1
make usercontrol2 localizable
change text of label1 in usercontrol2 to be something else
Now if you try and edit usercontrol2.resx with winres you get the following
There is already a component named 'label1'. Components must have unique
names and names must be case insensitive. A name also cannot conflict with
the name of any component in an inherited class
(Note that in order to get this far you must also have worked around a
different winres bug by copying winres and its assemblies to the directory
containing the assembly I just built)
Does anyone have a clue as to how to workaround this?