I would not recommend packaging multiple MSI's into a single MSI. If you
are looking for a way to chain MSI Installations, I would recommend either
a vbscript or a setup wrapper that would chain them together.
264478 INFO: Disadvantages of Repackaging Applications
Here is some sample code that I have to do something like chaining MSI
'// InstallProduct.vbs
'// Purpose: To chain MSI installations through VBScript
'// The Installer.InstallProduct does not return any values.
'// In order to execute a MSI installation followed by another MSI
'// we will need to execute a Do While loop to wait for the MsiServer
Service to stop running,
'// and then we will execute the next MSI install.
'// declare variables needed
Dim installer, sproductpath, oLocator, oServices, s, TheService, getpath
sproductpath = "\\mypath\data\my installs\Basic2\basic2.msi" '// variable
for the 1st installation
sproductpath2 = "\\mypath\data\my installs\Basic2\basic2.msi" '// variable
for the 2nd installation
set installer = CreateObject("WindowsInstaller.Installer") '// create the
installer object
'// using WMI to check the status of a service
'// 1. need to connect to the server
'// 2. request the service
'// 3. check the status of the service and if the service is started, stop
the service
Set oLocator = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator") '// creates an
instance of the wmi object
Set oServices = oLocator.ConnectServer("", "root\cimv2") '// creates an
instance of the connection to the server
s = "Win32_Service.Name=""MsiServer""" '// sets a variable for the service
we are requesting
Set TheService = oServices.Get(s) '// object instance of the service that
we requested
If TheService.State = "Running" then TheService.State = "Stopped" '// stop
the service if it is running
'// You can call extra command-line properties by using the second argument
'// installer.installproduct(sproductpath, "ALLUSERS=1")
installer.installproduct(sproductpath) '// launch the installation of the
msi package
do while TheService.State = "Running"
'// do nothing, because we will exit the do once the service state changes
installer.InstallProduct(sproductpath2) '// launch the second installation
of the msi package
do while TheService.State = "Running"
'//do nothing, because we will exit the do once the service state changes
'// Displaying the Status of the installation
MsgBox "The Installation Completed Successfully"
'// destroys the object
set installer = nothing
set oLocator = nothing
set oServices = nothing
set TheService = nothing
WinInstall LE Support:
Tim Macaulay, MCSD, MCP.Net
Microsoft Corp.
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights