WindowsXP Update dont function

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jason
  • Start date Start date


Every time I try to go to Start/Windows Update it loads
page saying that I need a version of windows to use. I
just used it like 3 days ago and it worked fine. Now it
says that I dont have a version of windows I can use with
it. Please Help. I thought I downloaded all the fixes for
these latest bugs a few days ago?

Thank-You Very kindly...

I figured out what it was. Thanks Anyways.

It was because I am trying to hook up my wireless laptop
to communioate with my desk top so I can use its hard-
drives. I renamed my computer name and work group and
didn't realise that windows update decides if you can
load the page based on what your computer name is
apparently. this will suck when I have to rename my
computers to get my home network going. I will lose the
ability to use windows update if I rename my computers?

Thanks for your time,