I have read so at the dutch microsoft page, but searching again i
cannot find it. But it stated: "Windows 2000, Windows 2003 or Windows
XP Proffesional" as system requirements....
But i just gave it a try, and it worked
Strange maybe can you translate this. In my opinion is there stated
something else.
(Not for Willy, he speaks Dutch). With your statement you bring in my
opinion the Benelux people from Microsoft in discredit.
Visual Studio .NET 2003 kan worden geïnstalleerd op de volgende systemen:
a.. Microsoft Windows® Server 2003
b.. Windows XP Professionnal
c.. Windows XP Home Edition¹
d.. Windows 2000 Professionnal
e.. Windows 2000 Server
Toepassingen kunnen worden geïnstalleerd op de volgende systemen²:
a.. Windows Server 2003
b.. Windows XP Professionnal
c.. Windows Home Edition
d.. Windows 2000 (Service Pack 2 aanbevolen)
e.. Windows Millennium (Windows Me)
f.. Windows 98
g.. Microsoft Windows NT® 4.0 (Service Pack 6a vereist)
h.. Windows 95 (met Microsoft Visual C++® .NET)
¹ Beperkte functionaliteit. U kunt in Visual Studio .NET 2003 geen
ASP.NET-webtoepassingen of ASP.NET-XML-webservices maken wanneer u Windows
XP Home Edition gebruikt.
² ASP.NET-webtoepassingen en -XML-webservices kunnen alleen worden
uitgevoerd onder Windows XP Professional, Windows 2000 en Windows Server
For Alfred (and others) when he does not understand it (what I not assume)
here is stated as already told in the answers.