So I added a person to my Contacts from my address book.
On the desktop, using the actual outlook application, when I examine
the person's contact info, associated with 'Email Address 1' is
multiple addresses:
smtp:[email protected] (internal exchange server email addr i
SMTP: (e-mail address removed)
X400:c=US;a=; etc etc etc
Now in Outlook, the "Email Address field for Email Address 1 appears to
be populated with the SMTP (all caps) address.
However, when I synched the contact to my phone, the email address ends
up being the X400 address -- ie in the Contact's list/app/form that
comes with the phone, when I view the email address I get the X400
string, not the actual smtp email address.
Then When I retrieve the contact programattically using
WindowsMobile.PocketOutlook.Contact, I'm getting the X400 string as
well, And none of the other data in the Contact is giving me the email
So Did I do something wrong when synch'ing, or do I need to synch in a
special manner for the Contact to have the email address?
If not, is there any way for me to retrieve the email address?
On the desktop, using the actual outlook application, when I examine
the person's contact info, associated with 'Email Address 1' is
multiple addresses:
smtp:[email protected] (internal exchange server email addr i
SMTP: (e-mail address removed)
X400:c=US;a=; etc etc etc
Now in Outlook, the "Email Address field for Email Address 1 appears to
be populated with the SMTP (all caps) address.
However, when I synched the contact to my phone, the email address ends
up being the X400 address -- ie in the Contact's list/app/form that
comes with the phone, when I view the email address I get the X400
string, not the actual smtp email address.
Then When I retrieve the contact programattically using
WindowsMobile.PocketOutlook.Contact, I'm getting the X400 string as
well, And none of the other data in the Contact is giving me the email
So Did I do something wrong when synch'ing, or do I need to synch in a
special manner for the Contact to have the email address?
If not, is there any way for me to retrieve the email address?