I was running into the WindowsFormsParkingWindow problem too. Mine
was a little different, it seems whenever I went to shut down my PC
the shutdown process would get interupted by the fact that
WindowsFormsParkingWindow was active.
After sometime I found a work around.
First using WinSpy++ Version 1.6 (freeware) from
http://www.catch22.org.uk/software/winspy.asp I was able to find out
what form was being positioned under the WindowsFormsParkingWindow.
To do this I ran winspy++, clicked on the set of circles within the
icon on the lefthand side of the winspy++ form, clicked on the more
button and scrolled down the list of all open windows until I came
upon WindowsFormsParkingWindow. I clicked the "+" sign beside
WindowsFormsParkingWindow to find out what window was being held under
In my case it was a form called frmsessionlog. I had been using
frmsessionlog as an object within my vb.net program to log the
activity associated with the program I am writing. As I had made
viewing it optional, whenever it was not shown by the user it would
remain parked under WindowsFormsParkingWindow.
I then found that if I would show (and hide) this form my
WindowsFormsParkingWindow problem would go away.
Accordingly, now when I create this form, I use the following
frmSessionLog = New frmSessionLog
frmSessionLog.Opacity = 0
frmSessionLog.Opacity = 1
setting the Opacity to zero and then to one before and after the show
and hide means that the user does not see the form as it is opened and
Sshowing and hiding the form means that the WindowsFormsParkingWindow
problem goes away.
Hope this will be of help to you, or others.
Gaby Uljee said:
Are you familiar with the WindowsFormsParkingWindow?
ps. to send all the code for the language change is not possible because
then I must send my complete (commericial) project, hereby just a snippet.
/// <summary>
/// Set the current language and trigger the ChangeLanguage event so that
/// any clients can adapt.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="language">The language to set.</param>
/// <returns>true if successful, false if the [language].resource file does
not exist.</returns>
public bool SwitchLanguage(string language)
string filename = CWSettings.StartupDir+"\\"+language+".resources";
m_currentlanguage = language;
m_rs = new ResourceSet(filename);
if(ChangeLanguage != null)
ChangeLanguage(this, language);
return true;
Log.Error(0, 3, "Language missing", "Language file '"+language+".resources'
not found.");
return false;
Herfried K. Wagner said:
Post the code you use to change the language.
Herfried K. Wagner
MVP · VB Classic, VB.NET