Have you experienced the "Alt" groups much? I wouldn't touch them
with a barge pole for proper advice.
Go here instead:
I looked at the forum, but like all of them I just don't like it. If I
ever "have to" I will learn, but just prefer Usenet since it's what I
am used to. I don't have the W-7 disc for my new Dell yet, so it has
not mattered much, but there is already one real good poster on the
W-7 group answering questions. I am sure as traffic increases more
trolls will feel the need to start looking for attention there, but
that's what they make filters for.
Hell when I first got this Vista this group, even though it took a
while to wade through the crap, was full of great info and help.
"Everything in excess! To enjoy the flavor of life, take big bites.
Moderation is for monks."
[Lazarus Long]