Windows7 upgrade

Jun 7, 2005
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Ok, So I have a 6mth old HP1030ea Laptop with a dead hard drive.

No problem I just have to replace the HDD and reinstall the OS.

However, I have a free upgrade to Win 7 CD.

So I presume I would have to buy an OEM XP disc in order for the above to upgrade from, as it were.

No other way around it? Or is there?
Did that laptop come with an XP license? It doesn't matter if you no longer have the XP CD as long as you have the license itself to make using the upgrade DVD legal. If so, it's perfectly fine to perform a clean install from the Windows 7 upgrade DVD. You may need to manually call Microsoft to activate Windows 7 though:

Hope that helps :)
I forgot to say, the laptop was running Vista 32bit pre installed. So is it a case of installing like you said and quoting the Product key on the underside of the laptop?
Captainpants said:
Ok, So I have a 6mth old HP1030ea Laptop with a dead hard drive.

If your laptop is only 6 months old, it should still be under warrenty. So I would take it back to whoever you bought it from and let them do the work. I'd also ask them about doing the W7 upgrade, that way you might avoid paying the upgrade costs...
Yes it maybe under warranty but the circumstances in which the HDD deceased are a tad unorthadox.

Basically having a heated debate with she who must be obeyed. To demonstrate a point I hit the keyboard with the underside of my fist. Yes i know toys, prams etc.

Anyway as I stated in an earlier post the HDD whirred clicked on boot up and the last message states No OS found. As far as I am aware the bare bones of the laptop work so the only gamble involved is paying for a new HDD.

As for warranty I live abroad now so I figure the price of a HDD is better than waiting for HP to come back with a reply whether they will repair etc
Yep, as you already have a Vista license you can do a clean full install of W7 :) If you follow the instructions in that first link I posted and you can do it on a clean drive without needed a current OS install.