Windows XPhas caused my software to run very slowly



I just had Windows XPinstalled on my work computer (a Dell
with 256 RAM and 747 MHZ/Pentium 3 processor). I use some
very large Access Databases--several are 1 gig in size.
With Windows NT, I could easily open and manipulate the
tables. Once Windows XP and Office XP were installed, all
applications run slower. When I press an application icon,
such as "Word" it takes 10 to 15 seconds to open the
application. However, the serious problem is the fact that
it takes so long to manipulate the Access database tables
that the program is nearly useless to me. For example, One
of my databases has 3 million records. One particular
field is indexed. If I want to go to a specific record, I
perform a search on the indexed field. With Windows NT,
the query would be completed within 5 seconds. With
Windows XP, it takes between 2 minutes 45 seconds and 3
minutes 30 seconds. I am ready to throw my computer out
the window (just kidding). Our IS people had no idea that
any such problems existed, and they do not know what to do
to fix the proble, other than to install more memory.


Your IT folks have it right.
Memory is cheap! Get 512 more.
Your processor could use an upgrade to 2 gig
And, don't forget to look at the hard drive. Is it getting
That is one BIG database.

M. Rajesh


It seems to be a memory shortage problem. You will have
to sacrifice some features to gain more power. Right
click on my computer and choose Properties from the drop
down list box. Click on Advanced tab and click the
settings in the performance tab and choose the
option "adjust for best performance". Also change the
virtual memory to "system paged size" and this should
help in better performance.

M. Rajesh

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