Windows XP



Please help. What does XP do for me? Can I get rid of my Windows Office
Professional 2000? I keep getting messages to upgrade the 2000.


T said:
Please help. What does XP do for me? Can I get rid of my Windows Office
Professional 2000? I keep getting messages to upgrade the 2000.

What kind of messages? That's NOT normal... however there might be
security updates available from Microsoft.

If you uninstall it, you'll lose MS Word and all the other programs
that are included, like Excel, Powerpoint, etc.

AND you'll lose your OE spell checker as well.

Ken Blake, MVP

Please help. What does XP do for me? Can I get rid of my Windows Office
Professional 2000? I keep getting messages to upgrade the 2000.

Your question is very confusing, but I'll try to guess what you mean
and explain.

Windows XP is an operating system. It controls *everything* that goes
on in your computer. Nothing can run without an operating system
(whether Windows XP or some other one).

Office Professional 2000 (*not* Windows Office Professional 2000) is a
suite of application programs, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint,
Outlook, etc. It runs *under* your operating system, and is completely
separate from it. The operating system is the platform on which it
(and other application programs) runs.

If you want to continue to use any of the functions Office
Professional 2000 provides (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, etc.),
do not get rid of it.

Office 2000 is an older version of Microsoft Office. There have been
three versions since then: Office XP, Office 2003, and Office 2007.
You can upgrade if you want to, but it's an expense, and if Office
2000 meets your needs, I wouldn't.

Does that help? If not, please clarify what you are trying to ask.


Ken Blake said:
Your question is very confusing, but I'll try to guess what you mean
and explain.

Please don't feed the dummies who are clueless when it comes to
properly asking a question.

Colin Barnhorst

Dummies are people too. To me it is more of a matter of a person being of
good will than how computer savvy that person is.


Colin Barnhorst said:
Dummies are people too. To me it is more of a matter of a person being of
good will than how computer savvy that person is.

I will agree that we disagree here.


PD43 said:
Please don't feed the dummies who are clueless when it comes to
properly asking a question.

PD43, Ken was polite and helpful to the OP. On the other hand you weren't.


Xandros said:
PD43, Ken was polite and helpful to the OP. On the other hand you weren't.

Please don't waste your and my time telling me something that I
already know.

Ken Blake, MVP

Dummies are people too. To me it is more of a matter of a person being of
good will than how computer savvy that person is.

I'm with you entirely!


You really are a rude, ignorant pig Uncle Grumpy, AKA PD43, but as you said,
you already know that.
Why do you do this? Why send nasty remarks to people you don't know?
Nothing better to do, you silly, bitter old man?
I'd love to see you front up to people and say the things you say face to
face. That would be a sight to see, one that I doubt if I ever would see
though. Cowardly loudmouths like you always find a fence to hide behind.
You wouldn't do that would you? you'd rather hide behind a keyboard and
insult people in safety.
You're beneath contempt,

Robert Moir

PD43 said:
Please don't feed the dummies who are clueless when it comes to
properly asking a question.

Right, because you've never needed help in an area where your understanding
is limited.


Robert Moir said:
Right, because you've never needed help in an area where your understanding
is limited.

When my understanding WAS limited, I researched my problem deeply
before asking... and then I provided enough material so that folks
wouldn't have to guess what I was talking about or what I'd already
done to try to fix the problem.

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