Windows XP



Willow said:
How do I place a shortcut to desktop icon on the taskbar?

Right-click on an empty area of the Taskbar and make sure it is Unlocked.
Then choose Toolbars. Slide your cursor over to the right and select Quick
Launch. The Quick Launch toolbar will appear. Or if you already had the QL
toolbar then you probably have it locked, so unlock it.

Now right-click on the Desktop icon and drag to the QL bar. Release the
right mouse button and choose "Copy" (or "Move" if you don't want the icon
on the Desktop any more).


Edwin vMierlo

In directory
C:\Documents and Settings\vanmie\Application Data\Microsoft\Internet
Explorer\Quick Launch

Create a text file called "Show Desktop.scf"

Open this file with Notepad, and put the following text in there


That should do the trick

Ken Blake, MVP

Willow said:
How do I place a shortcut to desktop icon on the taskbar?

You can't.

What you *can* do, and presumably what you want to do, is place the shortcut
on the Quick Launch Bar. Although many people think the Quick Launch Bar is
the Task Bar, or part of the Task Bar, it is neither. It is a completely
separate toolbar. Like other toolbars, it resides on the Task Bar by
default, but it easily be dragged off the Task Bar and docked elsewhere, for
example on another side of the screen.

To put the shortcut on the Quick Launch Bar, create a text file in Notepad
as follows:


Save it as Show Desktop.scf then drag it to the Quick launch bar. Or just
click on this link:

Restore/Add Show Desktop to Quick Launch (Line 61)

Also note that you can show the desktop with a keyboard shortcut: the
combination of the Windows key + D or the Windows key + M.

Bruce Chambers

Willow said:
How do I place a shortcut to desktop icon on the taskbar?

Left-click and drag it there.


Bruce Chambers

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