Vixalin --
Did you read the writing on the side of your Windows XP
package? Did you read the End-User License Agreement?
The Windows XP End-User License Agreement (EULA) states you
can install one copy of XP on one computer. So you'll need
to purchase a second copy (Product Key - license) for a second
Read your Windows XP End-User License Agreement:
Start > Run and type: WINVER , and hit enter.
Also, open XP's "Help and Support" and type: EULA
and click on "Questions and Answers about the
End-User License Agreement".
To purchase an additional Windows XP license, visit:
Additional Licenses for Windows XP Home Edition
Additional licenses for Windows XP Professional
| I am considering a second home pc strictly for games and
| browsing usage. It doesn't come with operating system.
| Can I load the windows XP that I already have onto the
| second pc legaly? Or must I buy a copy for each pc I own?