Open up My Computer.
Go to Tools, Folder Options.
Put a check in "Show hidden files and folders".
Click on Start, then Run.
Type in: CMD.
Type in: cd\ , then hit enter
Type in: dir fxsclnt.exe /s
Remember what directory you found the file in.
Type in Exit.
Double click on My Computer.
Right-click on the C: drive and click on Explorer.
Find the directory that housed the fxsclnt.exe.
Delete the file and restart.
Now, you should be able to upgrade to Windows XP.
Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows XP - Shell/User
| Hi, When updating too Windowsxp from win 98 I get a block
| message "Microsoft Shared Fax Client" must be uninstaled
| useing add & remove, But it does not show up there, How
| can I find it. Please help
| Thanks Ken