I have the same problem. Until I read this post, I
thought something was wrong with my computer. I know
that Microsoft uploads in packets, but I have never
waited so long for an update to begin. It's
extraordinarily frustrating because I have a dialup
connection and one phone line, so I left my connection
running overnight to get this mega download started, and
found this morning that nothing happened.
I do not like leaving my connection open for no good
reason, and I was really angry this morning that none of
the packets had started downloading. I don't care how
many customers are downloading at a time, MS needs make
the system work so that as soon as you click "download,"
you see the process begin. Especially when the download
is 75MB and you have a dialup connection! Even if it
takes days and you have to pause a lot, at least you know
it's not your computer and that you didn't hit the wrong
key or something.
I have some recommendations for Microsoft:
--Set the Automatic Update Icon on the toolbar so that it
remains visible even AT ALL TIMES from the time the
update information comes over the line until the download
and installation are complete. Even when a download
is "pending," the mouse rollover can tell you so, just as
it does tells you how much has been downloaded once the
download begins.
--DO NOT SEND AUTOMATIC UPDATES until there is sufficient
capacity for everyone to start downloading some of the
packets, even if it is slow going. I actually waited
several hours to hit "download" because I figured there
would be a lot of people downloading this huge package
when the update information came across, especially as
many people have their systems set to automatically
update without administrator awareness. I purposely
waited until the middle of the night and then found I had
left my computer connection open all night for no good
--DO NOT give administrators the option to turn off
automatic updates, only offer options as to how those
updates are to be downloaded and installed.
--DO NOT offer the option for automatic updates to be
downloaded and installed automatically without
intervention of the administrator. This will relieve a
lot of burden on MS servers when these updates are
released, because we will no doubt stagger our downloads
to begin at times that are convenient for those of us who
don't remain online all the time to stay online for a
while. (And, yes, I know that the updates will still
start eventually, even if we go offline for a while or
shut down our system. That's why the toolbar icon is
even more critical.)
Still waiting for my download to begin and my icon to
an annoyed customer
-----Original Message-----
How come my computer (with a legal windows XP home) hasn't downloaded the new
update??? my computer has the automatic update on and nothing happens, when I
click "update" Windows tells me there are no new updates available and I've
checked : it's not on my computer!!! What am I supposed
to do???