windows xp sp3 kernel32.dll error

  • Thread starter Thread starter James
  • Start date Start date


Dear all,

After i patched my windows xp with sp3, some borland delphi written
application is unable to run. It shows that my application causing
kernel32.dll faulty, and the application windows is close.

My kernel32.dll version is 5.1.2600.3264

Can any one the help/assist ?

Thank you!
James said:
Dear all,

After i patched my windows xp with sp3, some borland delphi written
application is unable to run. It shows that my application causing
kernel32.dll faulty, and the application windows is close.

My kernel32.dll version is 5.1.2600.3264

Contact the application's tech support for a resolution/patch/workaround.
This is not unexpected behavior, particularly since XP SP3 is not released
to manufacturers yet. This is why installing beta service packs on a
production machine is Right Out.

mrtydn said:
Hi James,

did you desiade this problem ??? Bec. I have same problem.

Best Regards.


Same problem? I don't think sp3 is in beta anymore.

Oh, that's why you reply to a 2008 post.

You could make a *new* post describing your problem in detail, and maybe
there is someone around that doesn't have all techarena and egghead posts
killfiled yet.
mrtydn said:
Now, i desiade my problem. :) Thanks. Just i forget, include mysql
to application directory. But, before i seen error messages. Ok donts
metter. Now everything is good. Thank you for your answer.


Best Regards.

You might want to consider using a newsgroup reader (NNTP client)
instead of that Techarena piece of crap.

Glad you got it sorted out (dll hell?). Back when using W98 I had a dll
hell problem with 'freecell' - the cards.dll for freecell was different
than the solitaire one. I had to put the freecell dll in the directory
with the freecell exe in it or the wrong dll would load.

Really, Techarena and EggHeadCafe are probably filtered out for most
readers here because of the abyssmal record for properly maintaining
their 'forums'. two, three, and even four year old posts should not have
replies allowed - they should be treated as closed.