Windows XP SP2



I am trying to install a windows component IIS. I am being asked to
insert Windows XP Pro SP2 CD. I don't have this CD, only the Windows
Pro. The Problem is the process stops in the last 5% saying
Completing Configuration of SMTP Services...

The dialouge box also says this process can take several minutes, but
it is clear after 15 minutes this
process has stoped. When I cancel the process, my computer doesn't work
properly and I have to re-install windows. I am only using this as a
local service for desktop web development, so I don't need any SMTP
Service anyway.

Any Ideas?



Sorry, I maynot have made myself clear My Windows XP pro is the second
edition with SP2 on it. Is this slipstream to make a CD with only the
SP2 components on it. The CD I have is SP2.

Ken Blake, MVP

Des said:
Sorry, I maynot have made myself clear My Windows XP pro is the second
edition with SP2 on it. Is this slipstream to make a CD with only the
SP2 components on it. The CD I have is SP2.

Well, here you say "the CD I have is SP2," but originally, quoted below, you
said the opposite: "I am being asked to insert Windows XP Pro SP2 CD. I
don't have this CD, only the Windows Pro." That's why Kerry suggested you
make a CD with SP2.

If you already have it, no need to make one. Just insert it when you are
asked to.

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