Windows XP SP2 Firewall


LinkSys User

After installing Win XP SP2 my XP machine could not
connect to my Linksys WRT55AG router. Other XP machines
minus SP2 still connected properly. None of the computers
are using wireless connectivity. I have turned the Windows
firewall on and off with no luck - even rebooted after
configuration changes. After uninstalling SP2 the machine
can now connect to the router. Anybody seeing anything
similar? Any ideas on a solution?

I'm in no hurry to re-install SP2 but would like to know
the configuration issues involved. What did I miss?


Len Segal

You should contact Linksys' tech support and ask them if they will be
releasing new FW or drivers to work with WinXP. Since the MS wireless
networking devices needed an update to work with SP2 (this update for
wireless was released in July 2004), I wouldn't be surprised if other
vendors had to also revise their FW/drivers.

It is also worth looking at the following MS KB article on known issues with
XP SP2 and various products out there.

It will take some time, but most responsible vendors should have new
patches/drivers available to address the problems shortly. Worth noting: MS
works very closely with mfrs of HW/SW IF the mfr wants to, when MS is
working on a major new or revised product (during Beta testing). Thus, the
opportunity was there for most mfrs to release new patches/drivers almost
immediately upon release of SP2 by MS.

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