To assign computer shutdown scripts:
1. Open the Group Policy snap-in.
2. In the console tree, click Scripts (Startup/Shutdown).
policy name Policy
Computer Configuration
Windows Settings
Scripts (Startup/Shutdown)
3. In the details pane, double-click Shutdown.
4. In the Shutdown Properties dialog box, click Add.
5. In the Add a Script dialog box, type the following information, and then
click OK:
Script Name: Type the path to the script, or click Browse to search for the
script file in the Netlogon share of the domain controller.
Script Parameters: Type any parameters that you want, the same way that you
would type them on the command line. For example, if your script includes
parameters called //logo (display banner) and //I (interactive mode), type
the following: //logo //I
6. In the Shutdown Properties dialog box, specify the options that you want,
as follows, and then click OK:
Shutdown Scripts for Group Policy object: Lists all the scripts that are
currently assigned to the selected Group Policy object. If you assign
multiple scripts, the scripts are processed in the order that you specify.
To move a script up in the list, click it, and then click Up. To move a
script down in the list, click it, and then click Down.
Add: Opens the Add a Script dialog box, where you can specify any additional
scripts to use.
Edit: Opens the Edit Script dialog box, where you can modify script
information, such as name and parameters.
Remove: Removes the selected script from the Shutdown Scripts list.
Show Files: Displays the script files that are stored in the selected Group
Policy object.