Windows xp Search



I have Windows xp home edition with all the updates and SP2. When I goto
Start, and click on Search nothing happens. The computer doesn't display the
search box or display any errors. I have tried going to Explorer and My
Computer and Right clicking and choosing Search and still nothing happens. I
have tried going through selective start-up and normal start and cannot get
the search dialog box to display. How can I get it to run?


I saw these links and tried them. It seems that if I have an open window and
press Ctrl+F that the search sidebar will now appear. I can't run a search
by right-clicking of thru the start, search button though. Any thoughts?

Wesley Vogel said:
Look here:
Top 10 Frequently Asked Questions and Answers
Click on the ? Icon to Expand

[?] Why doesn't Search work?

And/or here:
Scroll down to:
Search - Doesn't Work

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User

flyboy said:
I have Windows xp home edition with all the updates and SP2. When I
goto Start, and click on Search nothing happens. The computer
doesn't display the search box or display any errors. I have tried
going to Explorer and My Computer and Right clicking and choosing
Search and still nothing happens. I have tried going through
selective start-up and normal start and cannot get the search dialog
box to display. How can I get it to run? --



What is the make of your system and when did this behavior begin? In the
meantime, see if this helps:

Search is Missing from the Start Menu (Line 70)

Manual check points: Right click the Start
Button/Properties/Customize/Advanced/Search, uncheck, check or the reverse,
etc. Apply/ok.

If that doesn't help, I will need the answer to my first question and
possibly having you export some registry keys. Any other information you
wish to contribute will help.

All the Best,
Kelly (MS-MVP)

Troubleshooting Windows XP


I tried your suggestions, I applied and re-applied the search button. The
button is on the start menu it just doesn't do anything when I push it. My
computer is a Sony Vaio PCGGRX-550 notebook running Windows xp SP2. It seems
the problem started around the time I installed SP2. I've seen another post
in this forum about the same problem and when the user removed SP2 the search
worked fine.

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