windows xp running verry verry slow

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Help! Every program I try to open takes Up to 5mins to open. When it does
open everthing I click on takes the same time. Whats wrong? How can I fix it?

Thank You,

High I'm only a novice, but assuming its the XP programmes and not the
internet running slowly you first could try disk clean up and defragging all
your files this might unclog and help to run faster or your computer might
not have sufficient memory left to go faster - somewhere in systems
information you should be able to find out how much space is left available
to use and or try deleting a load of unused files/programmes etc this helps,
Also run Virus programme incase you have a virus or it might be (Using
internet) a busy time of day and to many users already on the net. I found
this when I had dial up, but not on 4MB high speed broadband which is
excellent. Hope I have helped a bit
Thank you for helping, I will try some of your ideas, and other I have
already done.
How much RAM memory?Try Ctrl+Alt+Delete to select Task
Manager and click the Performance Tab. What is the Total,
the Commit Charge and the Peak?

What is your CPU processor speed? Right click on your My
Computer icon on your Desktop and select Properties to get
this information and the amount of RAM memory.

How large is your hard disk and how much free disk space? In
Windows Explorer right click on your C drive and select
Properties. Is the hard disk formatted as fat32 or NTFS?


Hope this helps.

Stourport, England

Enquire, plan and execute
Help! Every program I try to open takes Up to 5mins to open. When it does
open everthing I click on takes the same time. Whats wrong? How can I fix it?

Thank You,


How old is the computer?

How much hard drive space do you have available?
(Open My Computer - right-click Local Disk(C:) then 'Properties')

While you're in the Properties window, click on the Tools tab and then
the 'Check Now' button. Put a check mark in both boxes then answer yes
to scan on next startup. Restart the computer and let it run the scan.
Did that help?

Is your Anti-Virus software enabled, up to date and working normally?

Did this problem start all of a sudden?

Is the computer (tower) making any strange noises?

Listen closely and describe the noise?

Get back with any more info you can think of.

Help! Every program I try to open takes Up to 5mins to open. When it does
open everthing I click on takes the same time. Whats wrong? How can I fix it?

Thank You,
mara said:
Help! Every program I try to open takes Up to 5mins to open. When it does

What is your system description from "winver"?

How & what have you used to check for malware?

If you bring your system up in "Safe Mode" (F8) are the delays still

Was the appearance of the delay gradual or is this a sudden visitation
on your system? Was something recently installed we should know about?

Have you run chkdsk? How much free space does your HDD have?

Intersperse your answers to insure everything is answered Mara. The
devil is in the details...
Help! Every program I try to open takes Up to 5mins to open. When it does

Is this a new phenomenon or has it been this way since you first got
the computer or first installed Windows XP on it?

If it's a new phenomenon, the most like cause of performance problems
these days is malware infection. What anti-virus and anti-spyware
applications do you run, and are they kept up to date?