Windows XP right-click



Right click on Windows XP desktop,internet explorer and all other programs
results in a transparent box and no menu.This stopped displaying suddenly.
I would be grateful for assistance to resolve this problem.


AT said:
Right click on Windows XP desktop,internet explorer and all other
programs results in a transparent box and no menu.This stopped
displaying suddenly. I would be grateful for assistance to resolve
this problem.

Right-click problems are often caused by third-party software putting
extensions into the context menu that mess things up. Use the free
ShellExView program to manage the non-MS context entries:

And here are some additional links for right-click issues:

Right-click is slow or weird behavior caused by context menu handlers -

Manage the context-menu entries for folders, drives and Namespace
objects -

And when all else fails, since the problem just occurred you can do a
System Restore to before the problem existed. Naturally, you will first
ask yourself what changed between the time things worked and the time
they didn't. If you upgraded your video drivers, for instance, you
could always roll them back. If you installed a program, you might try
uninstalling it or looking on the mftr.'s website for known issues.


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