Windows XP professional

  • Thread starter Thread starter Roger
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I have windows XP home installed I have just purchased
the Windows XP Professional.
I am networked to 4 other computers. Can this be used by
everyone or do I have to have a multi user licence and if
so how do I go about it.


To piggy back on top of Chris, you may want to consider getting invloved
with the Open License Program in the future. This will allow you to purchase
your software at a much lower rate. You have to make a volume purchase (5
licenses or more) at the time of purchase.
Roger said:
I have windows XP home installed I have just purchased
the Windows XP Professional.
I am networked to 4 other computers. Can this be used by

No. The rule is quite clear. It's one copy (or one license) for
each computer.

There's nothing new here. This is exactly the same rule that's
been in effect on every version of Windows starting with Windows
3.1. The only thing new with XP is that there's now an
enforcement mechanism.

or do I have to have a multi user licence and if
so how do I go about it.

You can buy extra licenses (see But
it's not generally a good deal for small numbers of computers.
The problem is that Microsoft sells additional licenses at only a
small savings over the list price. You may be better off just
buying complete extra copies from a discount source.
Roger said:
I have windows XP home installed I have just purchased
the Windows XP Professional.
I am networked to 4 other computers. Can this be used by
everyone or do I have to have a multi user licence and if
so how do I go about it.

You need an XP Professional license for each computer that you install
it on.

However do you really need any of the additional features and
functions which are found only in XP Pro? The two versions are
basically identical except for those features and functions which are
included only in XP Pro.

There is zero difference in performance or stability between the two
versions and both are compiled from the same source code base.

See the following web sites for details on the differences between the
two versions:

Good luck

Ron Martell Duncan B.C. Canada
Microsoft MVP
On-Line Help Computer Service

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