I am having a similar experience. I've done virus scans with latest updates
with no result (doing another as we speak). I originally posted this issue
under the subject "Help and Support Center Won't Start".
I followed some suggestions about running system file checker and tried a
few "related" suggestions at Kelly's wonderful XP site. No luck. Internet
surfing on my machine (gateway for a DSL connection) is noticeably slower
than on either of my other two PC's on the home network.
If I am persistent, I can eventually get Help and Support start by
repeatedly clicking it in the Start Menu, but it takes 2 to 3 minutes to
finally display. This has only happened in the last 10 days or so.
I don't know if this is related, but Microsoft Messenger (msmsgs.exe) has
been starting itself lately. I find it in the notification area at odd
intervals. It's properties say that it's Microsoft Messenger 4.7, so I'm
pretty sure this is the chat program, not the "service" messenger. It shows
up when double clicked as registered to an older email address I had, which
makes me suspect this is a "holdover" from Win98 when I established a .net
passport at Microsoft Support.
Since this appearance of Messenger is sudden and spurious, I have it blocked
from all local and internet access in the program control section of
Zonealarm Plus (registered and updated version). The funny part is that I
have removed "Messenger" using the Add/Remove Windows Components feature,
and it still persists.
I'm kind of itching to correct these issues, and I'm a little gun-shy of a
repair install or the dreaded "Clean install."
Dave and I await your suggestions,
Joe Dolsak