Windows XP Network Woes


Feb 23, 2002
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I'm having some real network problems at the moment, and I think it could be something as simple as the cable, but I just thought I would double check :)

I have 2 PC's using Windows XP, and I have them connected via 2 x Netgear 100Mbps network cards (and a crossover cable)... The indicator lights work fine, until random times in Windows when a "Network cable unplugged" momentarily error pops up, the indicator LEDs go out... I can’t browse the network at all even when all seems to be working!

Any ideas?
If, or when, it happens again, go to "view network connections" right click on the connection and "repair" ... there is also some diagnostics but I can't find them at the moment.

However, may I suggest you get a "Hub" ... this will eliminate any further problems associated with a Crossover cable. ;)
I tried clicking repair, but nothing happens :(

The irony is, I had a hub, and sold it because I thought I didnt need it (silly me ;))
Yea, give it a try with a new cable, either way try with other network cards which I dont think are the problem neither.

2-5$ for a cable.... not too bad uh ? ;)