I would like to know if Outlook Express works for anyone. All attempts at sending my 'Word' documents have failed. I also not able to fax my documents.
sending my 'Word' documents have failed. I also not able to fax myHewit said:I would like to know if Outlook Express works for anyone. All attempts at
Hewit said:I would like to know if Outlook Express works for anyone. All
attempts at sending my 'Word' documents have failed. I also not able
to fax my documents.
attempts at sending my 'Word' documents have failed. I also not able to faxEl said:I am having the same problem. Have you found any answers
----- Hewit wrote: -----
I would like to know if Outlook Express works for anyone. All
attempts at sending my 'Word' documents have failed. I also not able to faxEl said:I am having the same problem. Have you found any answers
----- Hewit wrote: -----
I would like to know if Outlook Express works for anyone. All
Rifleman said:attempts at sending my 'Word' documents have failed. I also not able to fax
my documents.
Any error messages at all? What PRECISELY does "all attempts to send have
failed" mean EXACTLY?