Windows XP installation without formatting




I had some trouble installing Norton Antivirus 2005 after installing Windows
XP without formatting the hard disk. At first I tried to do a repair, but
setup would not continue at the "Saving your settings" stage. So I had to
delete the old installation through setup. Windows XP installed fine. I was
even able to install Microsoft Office XP 2003, Accent2SE, Corel Draw 12
without any problems. But when I tried to install Norton Antivirus 2005, it
just won't install. Setup fails. Is there anyone with a similar experience?

The main problem is computer users want to do the fun stuff at work. And
some of the "fun stuff" make computers vulnerable to viruses. And when the
computer slows down, and hinders their work.... they call an IT technician
(that is me) and ask him to fix it. At that stage, antivirus software
fails... and in some cases the computer even fails to boot. Repair fails and
so does reinstallation. The only solution in that case is to format the hard
drive which would mean loss of "critical" data. What are your
recommendations regarding this problem?

I can really use your help here.

Thanks in advance.



So Format the hd results in loss of critical data?
This means also that hd failure results in data loss
No backups? - by deffinition data cannot be critical!

Having said that, if you have a failed install of NIS2005, and usually
there's an err.msg, its possible that it is finding remnents of a prev
failed install.
You need to visit Symantec site, search the kb, and download various
utilities for completely removing NIS, the articles also run through details
for editing the registry.
You might also like to download the MS Installer clean up utility;en-us;290301
and check for any NIS entries


Thanks very much DL. It really worked.

DL said:
So Format the hd results in loss of critical data?
This means also that hd failure results in data loss
No backups? - by deffinition data cannot be critical!

Having said that, if you have a failed install of NIS2005, and usually
there's an err.msg, its possible that it is finding remnents of a prev
failed install.
You need to visit Symantec site, search the kb, and download various
utilities for completely removing NIS, the articles also run through details
for editing the registry.
You might also like to download the MS Installer clean up utility;en-us;290301
and check for any NIS entries

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