Windows XP Home mup.sys problem
In case anybody has been trying to contact me since early Saturday, you
can forget about
it, as my computer crashed and will not get up.
I have the mup.sys problem. If you do a Google search for mup.sys , you
will see what the
problem is.
Basically, my computer starts Windows XP but then after only about 15
seconds a
greenish-blue screen appears. After a few more seconds the computer
restarts the
computer and windows from the beginning. This repeats itself and goes
on forever.
It does not matter what you try, the same thing happens.
If you go into safe mode with MSDOS prompt, it goes down through a
bunch of the
drivers and then when it reaches mup.sys it crashes. That is why we say
that the problem
is in mup.sys or in the driver after it.
The bluish-green screen says that I should disconnect any recently
attached devices, so I
have done that. I removed my new scanner, my new ULTRA hard disk case,
my old
printer and even my old keyboard and mouse and none of this has helped
the problem.
However, if I attach my old Windows ME hard drive and remove all
devices and disks
based on Windows XP, my computer works fine.
The bluish-green screen that appears when this problem occurs says in
A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent
to your computer.
If problems continue, disable or remove any newly installed devices.
Select F8 for
advanced setup options and then select safe mode.
Technical Information
*** STOP: 0x00000006F, (0xC00002D, 0x0000000, 0x0000000, 0x0000000)
I have been working on this problem all day for four days. I had
thought that my hard
drive had gone bad, but not I realize that this is not the problem.
Someone has suggested that my Cadaptec graphics card might be causig
the problem and
I should search for and download different drivers for that.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Sam Sloan
In case anybody has been trying to contact me since early Saturday, you
can forget about
it, as my computer crashed and will not get up.
I have the mup.sys problem. If you do a Google search for mup.sys , you
will see what the
problem is.
Basically, my computer starts Windows XP but then after only about 15
seconds a
greenish-blue screen appears. After a few more seconds the computer
restarts the
computer and windows from the beginning. This repeats itself and goes
on forever.
It does not matter what you try, the same thing happens.
If you go into safe mode with MSDOS prompt, it goes down through a
bunch of the
drivers and then when it reaches mup.sys it crashes. That is why we say
that the problem
is in mup.sys or in the driver after it.
The bluish-green screen says that I should disconnect any recently
attached devices, so I
have done that. I removed my new scanner, my new ULTRA hard disk case,
my old
printer and even my old keyboard and mouse and none of this has helped
the problem.
However, if I attach my old Windows ME hard drive and remove all
devices and disks
based on Windows XP, my computer works fine.
The bluish-green screen that appears when this problem occurs says in
A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent
to your computer.
If problems continue, disable or remove any newly installed devices.
Select F8 for
advanced setup options and then select safe mode.
Technical Information
*** STOP: 0x00000006F, (0xC00002D, 0x0000000, 0x0000000, 0x0000000)
I have been working on this problem all day for four days. I had
thought that my hard
drive had gone bad, but not I realize that this is not the problem.
Someone has suggested that my Cadaptec graphics card might be causig
the problem and
I should search for and download different drivers for that.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Sam Sloan