Does Windows XP Home Edition contain Excel, Powerpoint?
Wolfpackmom said:Does Windows XP Home Edition contain Excel, Powerpoint?
Wolfpackmom said:Does Windows XP Home Edition contain Excel, Powerpoint?
Wolfpackmom said:Does Windows XP Home Edition contain Excel, Powerpoint?
RAY0711 said:some do and some dont, the one i have doesent have it , i have got note
and windows journal viewer , and word pad , thats in the accessories,
is ok for some word processer ok by on hy other pc that had all 8 word
processing programmes exel etc. it depends on what they have pre loaded
u buy it
RAY0711 said:some do .....
NoNoBadDog! said:No version of Windows comes with Microsoft Office, or Excel, or PowerPoint.
Windows has never shipped with Excel, or PowerPoint.
Don't know where RAY0711 is getting his information, but it is quite wrong.
Some OEM's include a *60 DAY TRIAL* version of Microsoft Office.
There are currently no retail OEMs selling computers with the full version
of Microsoft Office, Word, Excel or PowerPoint installed.
If you want Microsoft Office, Word, PowerPoint or Excel, you have to buy
It *DOES NOT* come with Windows.
It *DOES NOT* come with a new computer (other than the trial version) unless
you pay extra for it.