From time to time I've had my system lock up on me and
have had to turn it off and back on again to get things
going. In the past I would restore to an earlier date
and all seemed OK. This time I do not have a previous
date to restore. I've had to shut my system down 4 or 5
times today which, needless to say, is a pain. Any
thoughts out there as to what might be causing the
lockups or what can be done to correct this problem?
Any input would be greatly appreciated.
have had to turn it off and back on again to get things
going. In the past I would restore to an earlier date
and all seemed OK. This time I do not have a previous
date to restore. I've had to shut my system down 4 or 5
times today which, needless to say, is a pain. Any
thoughts out there as to what might be causing the
lockups or what can be done to correct this problem?
Any input would be greatly appreciated.