I have just recently taken apart my laptop and put it back together as a
demonstration for a group of people. When I put it back together, it now
takes a long time to boot up. After the "Windows XP" screen is displayed
during startup, the screen goes black for over a minute. I cannot figure out
why this is happening; I have even reassembled the computer and it still
happens. I believe this is caused by a driver error since all of the
components were disconnected. I have disabled the USB ports with Device
Manager, but that did not do it. How can I figure out what is causing this
hang up?
Please email me back.
Thank you,
(e-mail address removed).(donotspam)
demonstration for a group of people. When I put it back together, it now
takes a long time to boot up. After the "Windows XP" screen is displayed
during startup, the screen goes black for over a minute. I cannot figure out
why this is happening; I have even reassembled the computer and it still
happens. I believe this is caused by a driver error since all of the
components were disconnected. I have disabled the USB ports with Device
Manager, but that did not do it. How can I figure out what is causing this
hang up?
Please email me back.
Thank you,
(e-mail address removed).(donotspam)