Did you work through the suggestions in this link:
The errors in Event Viewer may have existed before but they should still
be eliminated if possible as they can obscure seeing another problem.
You can access Event Viewer by selecting Start, Control Panel,
Administrative Tools, and Event Viewer.
A tip for posting copies of Error Reports! Run Event Viewer and double
click on the error you want to copy. In the window, which appears is a
button resembling two pages. Click the button and close Event
Viewer.Now start your message (email) and do a paste into the body of
the message. Make sure this is the first paste after exiting from
Event Viewer.
Are there any yellow question marks in Device Manager? Right click on
the My Computer icon on your Desktop and select Properties,
Hardware,Device Manager. If yes what is the Device Error code?
Try Start, Control Panel, Administrative Tools, Computer Management,
Disk Management what does it say about the drive?
You might find HD Tune gives you a clearer picture of what is going on.
HD Tune only gives information and does not fix any problems.
Download and run it and see what it turns up.
Select the Info tabs and place the cursor on the drive under Drive
letter and then double click the two page icon ( copy to Clipboard )
and copy into a further message.
Select the Health tab and then double click the two page icon ( copy to
Clipboard ) and copy into a further message. Make sure you do a full
surface scan with HD Tune.
Hope this helps.
Stourport, England
Enquire, plan and execute