Windows XP Explorer opening networked drive in Folders View

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I am running Windows XP, and my PC is connected to networked servers.
Windows Explorer on my own PC opens with the Explorer Bar in the Folders
View. When I try to open a networked drive “H†with either Windows Explorer
( Target %SystemRoot%\explorer.exe /root, H:\ ) or a folder shortcut (
Target H:\ ), the only way I can open either one in the Folders View is to
Shift-click. “Tools | Folder Options | View | Remember each folder’s view
settings†does not remember to open in the Folders View with just a plain
click. Is there a way to get a plain click (without holding Shift) to open a
networked drive in the Folders View without editing the registry?
Whether or not the Folder pane is shown is not a function of saved views but of which verb is
invoked: 'Open' vs. 'Explore'. The default is set via:

Tools -> Folder Options -> File Types -> hi-lite 'Folder' -> click 'Advanced' -> hi-lite
'explore' -> click 'Set Default'.

If you are invoking explorer via:

%SystemRoot%\explorer.exe /root, H:\

you would need to add the '/e' switch to display the folder pane:

%SystemRoot%\explorer.exe /e,/root, H:\
Thank you!
I really like your use of the word "verb."
This will help me to remember the concept.

Now, here is another question:
Can I set Windows Explorer to highlight (“exploreâ€) the My Documents folder
in the Folder pane, and simultaneously expand My Computer (displayed in the
Folder pane underneath all the folders in My Documents) so that all the
networked drives are displayed when I launch Windows Explorer without my
having to take the second step of clicking the + sign next to My Computer?


Keith Miller MVP said:
Whether or not the Folder pane is shown is not a function of saved views but of which verb is
invoked: 'Open' vs. 'Explore'. The default is set via:

Tools -> Folder Options -> File Types -> hi-lite 'Folder' -> click 'Advanced' -> hi-lite
'explore' -> click 'Set Default'.

If you are invoking explorer via:

%SystemRoot%\explorer.exe /root, H:\

you would need to add the '/e' switch to display the folder pane:

%SystemRoot%\explorer.exe /e,/root, H:\

Good Luck,

Microsoft MVP [Windows XP Shell/User]

Fred Prindaville said:
I am running Windows XP, and my PC is connected to networked servers.
Windows Explorer on my own PC opens with the Explorer Bar in the Folders
View. When I try to open a networked drive “H†with either Windows Explorer
( Target %SystemRoot%\explorer.exe /root, H:\ ) or a folder shortcut (
Target H:\ ), the only way I can open either one in the Folders View is to
Shift-click. “Tools | Folder Options | View | Remember each folder’s view
settings†does not remember to open in the Folders View with just a plain
click. Is there a way to get a plain click (without holding Shift) to open a
networked drive in the Folders View without editing the registry?
Not with command line arguments. A simple script could do what you want, but it uses 'SendKeys',
which means that if some other app grabs the focus between the Explore command & SendKeys, the other
app will receive the Up arrow keystroke. You can experiment with the Sleep value to find the
smallest number that consistently works on your machine. Save the following text as a .vbs file &
you're good to go.

Const ssfDRIVES = &H11

Set oXpShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Set oWshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

oXpShell.Explore ssfDRIVES
Wscript.Sleep 300
oWshShell.SendKeys "{UP}"


Good Luck,

Microsoft MVP [Windows XP Shell/User]

Fred Prindaville said:
Thank you!
I really like your use of the word "verb."
This will help me to remember the concept.

Now, here is another question:
Can I set Windows Explorer to highlight (“exploreâ€) the My Documents folder
in the Folder pane, and simultaneously expand My Computer (displayed in the
Folder pane underneath all the folders in My Documents) so that all the
networked drives are displayed when I launch Windows Explorer without my
having to take the second step of clicking the + sign next to My Computer?


Keith Miller MVP said:
Whether or not the Folder pane is shown is not a function of saved views but of which verb is
invoked: 'Open' vs. 'Explore'. The default is set via:

Tools -> Folder Options -> File Types -> hi-lite 'Folder' -> click 'Advanced' -> hi-lite
'explore' -> click 'Set Default'.

If you are invoking explorer via:

%SystemRoot%\explorer.exe /root, H:\

you would need to add the '/e' switch to display the folder pane:

%SystemRoot%\explorer.exe /e,/root, H:\

Good Luck,

Microsoft MVP [Windows XP Shell/User]

Fred Prindaville said:
I am running Windows XP, and my PC is connected to networked servers.
Windows Explorer on my own PC opens with the Explorer Bar in the Folders
View. When I try to open a networked drive “H†with either Windows Explorer
( Target %SystemRoot%\explorer.exe /root, H:\ ) or a folder shortcut (
Target H:\ ), the only way I can open either one in the Folders View is to
Shift-click. “Tools | Folder Options | View | Remember each folder’s view
settings†does not remember to open in the Folders View with just a plain
click. Is there a way to get a plain click (without holding Shift) to open a
networked drive in the Folders View without editing the registry?