Windows XP Error

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windows xp - this question page will not come up on home computer

cannot install HP1315 printer due to fatal error regarding microsoft MSXML2
MSI document viewer.

how do I solve please.
Hp walked me thru install - fatal error occurred step 3/of 4 -"microsoft
MSXML2, public key token +6bd6b9abf345378f version+4.10.00 type=win32
processor A rec hitecture =x86" then refer to HRESULT 0x80070002 then see for troubleshooting about "fatal error" and MSI. document
HP says they do not know how to help, must be microsoft problem"
Is there a way to do a diagnostic or Windows XP system scan to see if I have
something missing like MSI document viewer? I have all updates done on
Windows XP, nothing is customized, turned off Windows firewall to do set and
also Norton Symantec as per HP's request when trying to install with them.
Com error codes starting with 8007 are Window's error codes (there is no standard for non 8007 error codes - they can mean anything - you have to ask the programmer what she meant). So 80070002 is the same as windows error 2. Type in a command prompt

net helpmsg 2

it says

The system cannot find the file specified.
Hi - no help with error code- tried that- question still is - can I ask my
computer to do a windows xp scan to see if all components are there or if
something - maybe a document viewer is missing and then add it from my
windows xp disc without having to reinstall Windows Xp completed and run all
the updates which is the only answer I seem to be facing.

Why don't you troubleshoot your error.

Type sfc in help to answer your specific question. But you are being told what is the problem.
Hi - what does sfc mean? I typed it in under help and support on microsoft
but did not see answers to problem in any offered. I do not know what the
problem is. I typed in errox 80070002 but it does not recognize it. Ny
first question stands. Does windows Xp have system scan capability to see if
it can register the problem.

I've already answered you. Type sfc in f!cking help. Did I say type at MS web site - NO.
That's ok, funny how things work when you do what you are told and stop doing things you were not told to do.
sfc = System File Checker. There is a protected set of system files in a
secure folder on the hard drive. sfc compares the installed files to the
protected cache and determines if any are 'corrupted'. If so it copies from
the protected cache. This cache is updated as you update Windows.