So recently I just wanted to keep up with the maintenance
of my computer because I have a lot of files on my
computer. So I figured to free up some space and whatnot,
I would defrag my hard drive, simple you would think..
right? No... Not at all, for some reason, when I tried in
windows XP, it would hang at 1%. Now I forget if it was
still scanning files or not, but even if it was, any other
time using windows ME, 98, 95 - defragging a hard drive
would be easy, even at 2 hours I wouldn't still be at
1%... Any help?
of my computer because I have a lot of files on my
computer. So I figured to free up some space and whatnot,
I would defrag my hard drive, simple you would think..
right? No... Not at all, for some reason, when I tried in
windows XP, it would hang at 1%. Now I forget if it was
still scanning files or not, but even if it was, any other
time using windows ME, 98, 95 - defragging a hard drive
would be easy, even at 2 hours I wouldn't still be at
1%... Any help?