Windows XP Converted Back To...

  • Thread starter Thread starter one4popncorn
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My computer had come to a screaching halt. No viruses found, however I'm
getting messages that read; this program needs to work with an earlier
versions of windows; and/or please install an earlier version of Windows
2000. I have had Windows XP for years, but as slow as the computer is
running, and with the messages, it seems like it has converted back to
Windows 2000 or earlier!!! Advise please.

one4popncorn said:
My computer had come to a screaching halt. No viruses found, however I'm
getting messages that read; this program needs to work with an earlier
versions of windows; and/or please install an earlier version of Windows
2000. I have had Windows XP for years, but as slow as the computer is
running, and with the messages, it seems like it has converted back to
Windows 2000 or earlier!!! Advise please.


Probably got some updates to XP and now some of your programs are
complaining that they need to work with an earlier version of Windows. Sounds
like you need to get updated versions of those programs.
Mark Adams said:
Probably got some updates to XP and now some of your programs are
complaining that they need to work with an earlier version of Windows. Sounds
like you need to get updated versions of those programs.
Yes, but it's happening with every program. In addition, I'm getting
messages that tell me that Internet Explorer needs to close, sorry for the
inconven. Then I've loss Adobe Reader and after trying to download the
program again, I still get the message that I need to install an earlier
version of Windows 2000. Earlier version of what? I don't understand.
Everything that I use everyday is up to date. Things started to happen when
I downloaded Internet Explorer 8. I instantly went back to IE7. Had that
problem on the desktop and laptop afer installing 8. Advise please.

Thanks so much for your help.
one4popncorn said:
Yes, but it's happening with every program. In addition, I'm getting
messages that tell me that Internet Explorer needs to close, sorry for the
inconven. Then I've loss Adobe Reader and after trying to download the
program again, I still get the message that I need to install an earlier
version of Windows 2000. Earlier version of what? I don't understand.
Everything that I use everyday is up to date. Things started to happen when
I downloaded Internet Explorer 8. I instantly went back to IE7. Had that
problem on the desktop and laptop afer installing 8. Advise please.

Thanks so much for your help.

Did you ever have Windows 2000 on this machine?

1. Go to Start > Run and type "winver" (without quotes) in the box and
click OK. What version of Windows does it report?

2. Please post - verbatim - one or two of these error messages and be
sure to include what program you attempted to open when you got the
restore back to a time before the updates, obviously they are not compatable
with your system, I suggest (after the restore) you install the updates one
at a time, with a reboot after and see which one is causing the problem.
Yes, but it's happening with every program.  In addition, I'm getting
messages that tell me that Internet Explorer needs to close, sorry for the
inconven.  Then I've loss Adobe Reader and after trying to download the
program again, I still get the message that I need to install an earlier
version of Windows 2000.  Earlier version of what?  I don't understand.  
Everything that I use everyday is up to date.  Things started to happenwhen
I downloaded Internet Explorer 8.  I instantly went back to IE7.  Hadthat
problem on the desktop and laptop afer installing 8.  Advise please.

Thanks so much for your help.

Reduce the number of questions, guessing and trying things that might
work maybe...
by supplying more information:

Click Start, Run and in the box enter:


Click OK, and when the System Summary info appears, click Edit, Select
All, Copy and then paste
back here.

There would be some personal information (like System Name and User
Name) or whatever appears to
be only your business that you can delete from the paste.

Reduce the chances of malicious software by running some scans.

Download, install, update and do a full scan with these free malware
detection programs:

Malwarebytes (MBAM):
SUPERAntiSpyware: (SAS):

These can be uninstalled later if desired.
I've been having this problem for at least 3 weeks. I don't know when or
which updates to install. I don't know when it happened. I did a restore
all the way back to June 1 just to be safe. It didn't help. :( Anymore
suggestions please.
For starters, undo that restore. Going back all the way to June 1 will
more than likely introduce another layer of compatibility issues.

Unless I'm reading your posts wrong, you are giving conflicting
information. In the paragraph below, you are saying:
I've been having this problem for at least 3 weeks. I don't know
when or which updates to install. I don't know when it happened.

Yet in another post, you said:
Things started to happen when
I downloaded Internet Explorer 8. I instantly went back to IE7.
Had that problem on the desktop and laptop afer installing 8.

Which is it. :-)

Also, Lem asked some useful questions. You should answer them:

Did you ever have Windows 2000 on this machine?

1. Go to Start > Run and type "winver" (without quotes) in the box and
click OK. What version of Windows does it report?

2. Please post - verbatim - one or two of these error messages and be
sure to include what program you attempted to open when you got the
do a repair install. then install and reboot (test your programs) download
updates and svc packs one at a time, see whic one is the culprit. PITB I
know, but has to be done.