"Ageing Brilliantine Stick Insect"
I think the idea of a spreadsheet is probably the best idea. It's just one
of those things that I never seem to have time to do.
The speadsheet is the method I use. I also started naming the machine name
according to the serial number then use the Description in AD to put in the
Username or Job Function. If a "part" has to be warranteed by the Supplier,
I can know the serial number by the machine name and the position of the
machine by the Description. A quick ping of the machine name gives me the
IP# or use Nbtstat -a to get both the IP and MAC. You can also get
information from the machine lists in WINS, DNS and DHCP.
And finally, yes, I am the sysadmin here. I actually have my MCP
qualification (I've done the Win2K and Win2K Server exams), but I fear I
ain't a very good MCP, so I just leave that out when I do posts to these
newsgroups. It's probably bad enough when people read my posts and think
'What a twit'......if they saw that I was an MCP as well they would probably
think I was an even greater twit!
All I had was an old MCP (Win95),...yep 95, not even 98. For a long time
that is all I had. Ms awarded me the MVP a year and a half (or so) ago
based on my work in these newsgroups. I took some classes at a local
college to prepare for the Cisco CCNA and passed that about two and a half
years ago. I will probably never have the MCSE,..it isn't even really a
goal for me right now. If some place doesn't want to hire me without it and
doesn't care about the years of "live" experience in the field, then "screw
'em", I don't need to work there anyway. By the way, I also only have a
GED,...I only finished my first semester of my 2nd year in Highschool
(dropped out at 16).