Windows XP become slow on LAN




I've a Laptop (P4 2.4, RAM 512Mo) with Windows XP Pro, last driver and
update (windows + office). When i connect him (on LAN or by modem)it
become slow when i open a file (Task manager stay at 2% of CPU and 100
Mo RAM ...). If i unpluged the cable, it open immediately the file...
I have check the virus, spyware etc... all (practically :p ) is OK...
internet explorer run very well... and there isn't network traffic
when i try to open a file...

Can anyone Help me please?

thank you all

PS: sorry for my bad english :)


Stefano said:

I've a Laptop (P4 2.4, RAM 512Mo) with Windows XP Pro, last driver and
update (windows + office). When i connect him (on LAN or by modem)it
become slow when i open a file (Task manager stay at 2% of CPU and 100
Mo RAM ...). If i unpluged the cable, it open immediately the file...
I have check the virus, spyware etc... all (practically :p ) is OK...
internet explorer run very well... and there isn't network traffic
when i try to open a file...

Can anyone Help me please?

thank you all

PS: sorry for my bad english :)

Don't worry about your English, it is doing the job. ;-) It sounds to me
like your laptop is trying to get its dns from the lan and that may be
set incorrectly. What is the lan setup? Are you logging onto a domain?



Don't worry about your English, it is doing the job. ;-) It sounds to me
like your laptop is trying to get its dns from the lan and that may be
set incorrectly. What is the lan setup? Are you logging onto a domain?


Thank you,

Yes i'm on a domain, but the LAN setup are rights... whe have 3 DNS
windows and 2 DNS Unix... the lan work properly. i can access to
remote computer etc... And the problem is the same if i connect by

Help me please...


Stefano said:
Thank you,

Yes i'm on a domain, but the LAN setup are rights... whe have 3 DNS
windows and 2 DNS Unix... the lan work properly. i can access to
remote computer etc... And the problem is the same if i connect by

Help me please...

OK, I don't understand your network setup. Normally, you have one domain
controller, which may or may not be the dns server. If it is, then you
have it (the server) look to itself for dns with proper forwarding
zones set and a different gateway set for Internet access. Then all the
workstations look to the server for their dns with the Internet gateway
(if appropriate) set. If you have a separate dns server, then
everything looks to it to get dns and it looks to itself.
Troubleshooting complicated networks is pretty hard in real life, let
alone via Usenet postings. Do you not have an IT Dept. you could
consult? They are going to know your network setup better than anyone.
Failing that, try posting in one of the networking groups. Here's a
link to a list of all the MS newsgroups:

Additionally, do you have network drives mapped that the laptop has to
find before getting to the desktop? Is the laptop looking for network
resources that no longer exist?


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