The original account was called administrator. I wanted
to set up accounts for members of my family and also
wanted access for guests. I set up an account under my
own name and gave it administrator rights. Some family
accounts were set using pass words. They also had
administrator rights. When I went in to switch accounts,
the original administrator account disappeared and does
not show up. The files and all the set up etc is
accessible through windows explorer on
C;|Docments\settings\Adminstrator\My documents\my
pictures etc.
I wish to leave the original Administrator account the
way it was. How do I go about doing it.
I am explaining myself?
Thank you for your help.
-----Original Message-----
[This followup was posted to
microsoft.public.windowsxp.basics and a
copy was sent to the cited author.]
Firstly you should NEVER use the default Administrator Account as a
daily-usage account. Create a User for yourself and give it
Administrator rights. The reason behind this is, if your User account
goes belly-up you can use the Administrator account to repair things, If
the Administrator account goes belly-up, the ONLY way of then getting
into your machine is with a repair install.
What exactly do you mean "lost all the info"?
When you tried to set up this "administrator" account, what precisely
did you do? Setting up a new User should not affect ANY data in ANY
other account.
(I may be wrong...I usually am....)
Google is your Friend
Email address deliberately false to avoid spam:
the Administrator Account is hidden by default on the Welcome screen.
It's still there! You need to press Ctl-Alt-Del twice at the welcome
screen if you are using XP Pro, or boot into Safe mode if the Home