Windows wont start

  • Thread starter Thread starter T.J.
  • Start date Start date


OK, for some reason my comp keeps starting up into a
screen that has Safe Mode options or Last Known Config.
option. When I pick one my comp freezes up and does
nothing. I've ran both system recoveries destructive and
non, when im prompted to press OK to restart my computer
it goes to a blank screen and just sits there, the power
light on my tower is on, but the one that blinks does
nothing. I do have recovery CD's which have worked the
first time i did this, but now when i put them in they do
nothing. I've read articles that say you have to change
my boot up order in my BIOS but i dont know how to access
DOS without going into windows first :( My Mom who owns
the comp has called HP (the manufactorer) but they wouldnt
even tell her that F10 would bring up the recovery prompt,
well for 30 bucks they would!! I thought Windows XP was
better, but it seems to me my old 98 SE is alot more user
friendly, never once had to recover with WIN 98. Please
The instructions with regard to booting from the XP CD apply to the Retail
version of XP as do the tools available on that CD. You have a customized
OEM tool and you've already run the recovery methods available to you. From
what you are describing, it's possible the hard drive is failing as your
system seems unable to install or reinstall using that routine.

Getting into the system BIOS does not require going into DOS. When you boot
the system, the first screen usually has a message that instructs you to hit
a specified key if you wish to enter setup. Once there, you navigate to the
screen where the boot order is specified and then change the boot order
accordingly. In your case, I don't think that will make a difference as you
have Recovery disks and you're already attempted the options available on

Actually, XP is quite user friendly but the PC manufacturer's have the
option of offering the own recovery method, usually because such methods are
simpler and don't require much input from them but they usually don't
include any of the XP recovery tools.

It sounds as though you either have a problem with the hard drive as
mentioned above or some other type of hardware issue. If not, there would
appear to be a problem with the HP recovery disks. In either case, you need
to contact HP for assistance as their recovery procedure and recovery disks
are proprietary. The help we can offer is based on the retail or full XP CD
with it's complement of tools.