Windows wont start



Hey guys! Happy New Year!
I have a problem [why else am I here?] Windows will not start. I went into
safe mode & got rid of spyware. As soon as I reboot it goes through all the
steps good, until it says Windows is starting up, and that screen stays on
forever. I was running it before this happened, I installed Palm Desktop
that required me to reboot to finish, it wont restart since.
Any ideas?

Steve Parry [MVP]

Me2Ewe said:
Hey guys! Happy New Year!
I have a problem [why else am I here?] Windows will not start. I went into
safe mode & got rid of spyware. As soon as I reboot it goes through all
the steps good, until it says Windows is starting up, and that screen
stays on forever. I was running it before this happened, I installed Palm
Desktop that required me to reboot to finish, it wont restart since.
Any ideas?

Have you tried going into safe mode and removing the Palm Desktop software?


Yes it didn't have anything to do with it
Steve Parry said:
Me2Ewe said:
Hey guys! Happy New Year!
I have a problem [why else am I here?] Windows will not start. I went
into safe mode & got rid of spyware. As soon as I reboot it goes through
all the steps good, until it says Windows is starting up, and that screen
stays on forever. I was running it before this happened, I installed Palm
Desktop that required me to reboot to finish, it wont restart since.
Any ideas?

Have you tried going into safe mode and removing the Palm Desktop

Steve Parry BA(Hons) MCP MVP


Me2Ewe said:
Yes it didn't have anything to do with it
Hey guys! Happy New Year!
I have a problem [why else am I here?] Windows will not start. I went
into safe mode & got rid of spyware. As soon as I reboot it goes through
all the steps good, until it says Windows is starting up, and that screen
stays on forever. I was running it before this happened, I installed Palm
Desktop that required me to reboot to finish, it wont restart since.
Any ideas?

Have you tried going into safe mode and removing the Palm Desktop

Steve Parry BA(Hons) MCP MVP

You're post isn't clear. Did the problem start after removing malware
in safe mode or you did that after the problem started to try to fix it?
Or did it start after installing the Palm desktop?

In safe mode try a system restore to before the problems started.


Hey guys! Happy New Year!
I have a problem [why else am I here?] Windows will not start. I went into
safe mode & got rid of spyware. As soon as I reboot it goes through all
the steps good, until it says Windows is starting up, and that screen
stays on forever. I was running it before this happened, I installed Palm
Desktop that required me to reboot to finish, it wont restart since.
Any ideas?

Move to a dependable and stable operating system. Who would ever use an o/s
that crashes because an app was installed on it?


I have a problem [why else am I here?]
Windows will not start. As soon as I reboot it goes through all the
steps good, until it says Windows is starting up, and that screen stays on
forever. I was running it before this happened, I installed Palm Desktop
that required me to reboot to finish, it wont restart since. I went into
safe mode & got rid of spyware.Iy will not do any thing from Last Known Good
Configuration. There is one user here too
How's that

Rock said:
Me2Ewe said:
Yes it didn't have anything to do with it
Hey guys! Happy New Year!
I have a problem [why else am I here?] Windows will not start. I went
into safe mode & got rid of spyware. As soon as I reboot it goes through
all the steps good, until it says Windows is starting up, and that
screen stays on forever. I was running it before this happened, I
installed Palm Desktop that required me to reboot to finish, it wont
restart since.
Any ideas?

Have you tried going into safe mode and removing the Palm Desktop

Steve Parry BA(Hons) MCP MVP

You're post isn't clear. Did the problem start after removing malware in
safe mode or you did that after the problem started to try to fix it? Or
did it start after installing the Palm desktop?

In safe mode try a system restore to before the problems started.


Me2Ewe said:
I have a problem [why else am I here?]
Windows will not start. As soon as I reboot it goes through all the
steps good, until it says Windows is starting up, and that screen stays on
forever. I was running it before this happened, I installed Palm Desktop
that required me to reboot to finish, it wont restart since. I went into
safe mode & got rid of spyware.Iy will not do any thing from Last Known Good
Configuration. There is one user here too
How's that

That clarifies things somewhat. To recap. You tried to install Palm
Desktop. It wanted a reboot but then hung on reboot. To try to fix
this you booted into safe mode and removed spyware? That means there
was spyware on the system when you tried the install? Next time make
sure it's malware clean before installing anything.

Did you try the suggestion to do a system restore from safe mode to
before you tried the palm desktop install?


Me2Ewe said:
I have a problem [why else am I here?] Windows will not start. I went into
safe mode & got rid of spyware. As soon as I reboot it goes through all the

Spyware can be removed. But that doesnt mean the damage it may have
caused is fixed. Try a repair install.

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