Friend installed windows xp corperate on my compter that he gave to me. 1st
time he installed windows xp and there were problems, so he reinstalled it.
now everything works fine except I don't have a service pack; I can't use
windows messenger and remote assissance, and when I do a window comes up
saying that "Signing in to .NET Messenger service failed because the service
is not compatible with this version of the program." Every time I try to
download Windows service pack 2 from microsoft update it won't go through,
saying that product key may not be valid. Can anyone help me?
time he installed windows xp and there were problems, so he reinstalled it.
now everything works fine except I don't have a service pack; I can't use
windows messenger and remote assissance, and when I do a window comes up
saying that "Signing in to .NET Messenger service failed because the service
is not compatible with this version of the program." Every time I try to
download Windows service pack 2 from microsoft update it won't go through,
saying that product key may not be valid. Can anyone help me?