Windows XP Windows Web Publishing Wizard

Oct 13, 2004
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Hi everyone,

I hope this isn't a stupid question but I'd be very very pleased if anyone could help...

I have my own website and when I set it up I had help from a friend to upload it onto the net.

I didn't purchase FTP software but used the Windows Web Publishing Wizard.

Now I have moved home and I'm using a different computer to upload my webpages. I have looked at the Web Publishing Wizard but don't understand what to do.

The question that stumps me is "Where do you want to publish these files?"

The only option appears to be "MSN Groups".

I do have my username and password for my website.

Can anyone help?

(Sorry to be sooooo dim!

Lots of good wishes,

the publishing wizard is terrible.

your best bet is to download cuteFTP you should be able to get a free trial.
Here you go ...

... a wee bit better than cutie, and free. ;)

You must pop in and just say hello from time to time Flower Girl ... otherwise we'll think you are only after our bodies, err, no, I mean knowledge. :p
Thanks Muckshifter! I'll check out the link now. :D

So do you have a good body then or you all brain...;)

Actually I do pop in and read things but most of the posts aren't really understandable for a computer idiot like me and I can't think of anything to contribute (unless I want to show my general ignorance)! :p

I must investigate the general chat section a bit more though. In fact maybe I'll do that right now (after checking out the FTP software)...

Thanks again, sending you lots and lots of good wishes,

Alas, both body and mind are lost ... I only age and wisdom left.
