Cannot get OpenSUSE 11 to install on a Dell Latitude D620 here. Won't
get beyond the second screen. Tried many times. Checked CD via surface
scan, no issues there. Not looking for an answer really, just stating my
experience with it.
According to:
The machine is "Linux Friendly".
You are probably using one of the "freebie" distributions, an OpenSUSE
distribution, which may have limited support and/or testing.
Have you tried installing any other versions of Linux?
There are some problems with one of the OpenOrg X.11 server/drivers on
the Nvidia graphics card. You might want switch to an earlier version
of X.11 which seems to be more reliable.
Commercial versions of SUSE are better tested and more reliable, and
are more likely to configure correctly. When I installed SUSE 10
commercial version, it figured out which binary-only graphics
accelerator driver to use, installed it and configured it correctly,
and ran beautifully. The "community editions" such as OpenSUSE,
Ubuntu, and Fedora are intended for developers and supporters who want
to stay ahead of the curve, so that they can be relatively sure that
things will work on the next commercial version when it arrives.