You received inaccurate, poor advice from whomever you spoke with at Dell.
You would need to purchase a new "Full Version" of Windows XP
Professional and then perform a clean install.
Clean Install Windows XP
Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows Shell/User
Microsoft Community Newsgroups
| My company advises us to use XP Pro on our computers and not Vista until we
| have finished testing our software. I was talking with Dell for a new laptop
| of my own, and they no longer sell any new computers with XP, it's Vista
| only. They told me that I can go online to microsoft's website and rollback
| Vista to XP. I believed them, bought a laptop and immediately began looking
| online for some confirmation of that. And I just found this forum. So is it
| correct to understand that they are wrong? I would need to have an original
| copy of XP to install on the computer (which I don't) since the Vista on it
| from the factory can in no way possible turn into XP, whether via rollback or
| some other microsoft magic? If that's true I have 48 hours to cancel my
| order!